Persimmon  Plus 

Persimmon Plus

Our loyalty program gives you exclusive access to preferred pricing on all services and products. Monthly $95 auto-pay fills your Persimmon bank to be applied to any future purchase.

Persimmon(+) member benefits

Exclusive preferred pricing

  • 25% off most services (exclusions apply)
  • 15% off all skincare products

Pre-pay installments

  • $95 auto-pay to your account each month
  • 100% of these funds go to your future purchases when you want
  • Eliminate large lump-sum payments

Flexibility without commitment

  • Apply your funds to any product or service
  • Funds don’t expire - keep them until you’re ready to use them
  • Cancel anytime

Persimmon Plus Program

Persimmon Plus Program

Frequently asked questions

What is Persimmon Plus?
Are there any additional fees or charges associated with the membership?
How do I apply my Persimmon Plus funds to my service?
How do I become a member?
What happens to my Persimmon Plus Balance when I cancel?